Product Descriptions and The Role They Play in Conversions

February 25, 2022
Team Streamoid

Do product descriptions really matter? Do customers/ website visitors even read those? Let us answer that with an example.  

A customer is shopping online for a dress that your website sells, and your competitor sells a similar dress. Your website has a poorly written/ generic description that doesn’t give relevant information about the product or worse, there is no product description at all. On the other hand, your competitor has a well-crafted, succinct product copy and description. Which way do you think the customer would go?  

Most probably to your competitor site where they may end up purchasing the product. If you take a moment to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and think about how many times product descriptions have driven you to buy something online, you will understand the power of product descriptions on sales and revenues. In fact, product descriptions are considered the best and most economical investments that yield high returns.  

Given how important product descriptions are, why aren’t more online businesses able to write the product descriptions that minimize bounce rates and improve conversions? Well… it is skill, an underrated one, that is scarce. Even with the right talent, the large volumes of product descriptions that need to be written often lead to monotony and manual drudgery. What’s the way out? Read on to find out.  

Product Descriptions and Conversions
Product description may seem like a minute, almost inconsequential part of your well-designed, clean website that you so painstakingly designed and invested good sums of money marketing. But it has a very direct impact on the customer’s decision-making process and conversions.  

One study found that 87% of online shoppers use product descriptions in making purchase decisions. Detailed product descriptions ranked among the top 3 things that influence customer purchase decisions in clothing, electronics and even online grocery! This study further found that 50% of online shoppers returned products that did not match the product description. So, simply offering the most competitive pricing may not necessarily lead to conversions.

Do you still think product descriptions don’t matter? Think again!  

The Role of Product Descriptions in Conversions

Drawing Customer Attention on Product Pages
While product images are great, they aren’t sufficient to retain customer attention on product pages. Customers want to know more about the products. They may have some questions to which they seek answers/ explanations. And images cannot do this. Well-written and detailed product descriptions that accompany these images help draw and retain customer attention on product pages.  

When customer questions go unanswered, they are most likely to abandon the purchase and move onto another website or a search engine seeking those answers. Engaging product page copy is an inexpensive way to market your product to the customer and make sure that they go through with the purchase right there and then.  

SEO Benefits
If you simply copy-paste or paraphrase the manufacturer’s description, search engines consider them duplicated content and the search ranking will suffer. This affects your visibility, dilutes your marketing investments and negatively impacts conversions. The other problem with rehashing a manufacturer’s catalog is that it tends to be technical and contain only product specifications.  

But, if you write compelling and unique product descriptions, it affects your search rankings and visibility positively. This leads to more web traffic being directed to your website and higher possibilities of conversions.  

You can SEO-optimize the product copy with the right keywords, SEO tags and Alt tags to boost your SEO rankings. You can keep refreshing the copy with in-demand keywords to consistently draw web traffic to your website. This way, even if you are a small or medium business, you can boost your search rankings and conversions without having to spend massive amounts on advertising and marketing efforts.  

Helps In Brand Building
Amazing product descriptions enable brand building efforts of online businesses. You can create a specific tonality and voice for your brand based on the target audience and reflect it in your product descriptions. You can stress upon and highlight the benefits the customers will get by associating with your brand and how the product fits into their lives. This way, the customer gets invested in your brand, thus, augmenting brand loyalty, improving sales, boosting referrals and giving you a competitive edge.

How Does a Good Product Description Look?
Product descriptions are marketing copies that contain detailed information about the product including its features and benefits.  

Features of Good Product Descriptions:

  • Must be relevant, helpful and informative.  
  • Add value to the customer – tell the customer why they need your product and what value it adds to their lives.  
  • Must include benefits, features and highlights.
  • Provide sufficient details but don’t be too wordy.
  • Think from the customer perspective and answer the questions they may have.
  • Create and maintain a tonality, style and voice to reflect your brand. And be consistent.
  • Readability is key.
  • While technical details are important, do not include too much jargon.
  • Use short words, crisp sentences and short paragraphs.
  • Design must be scannable.
  • Use sensory words.
  • Focus on the target audience and create an experience.
  • Include the right keywords, titles and tags.
  • Test your content before publishing it.  

Using AI to Generate Your Product Descriptions

What are Automated Product Descriptions?
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is revolutionizing product descriptions by empowering businesses to generate succinct, engaging and unique product copies at scale. That too, without too much human intervention or the need to hire new talent to generate bulk product descriptions.  

Automated product descriptions are simply product descriptions that are generated by AI-powered algorithms. Backed by Natural Language Processing and analytical capabilities, the algorithm uses business data to craft unique and meaningful descriptions that are plagiarism-free and have the power to sway customer behavior.  

How Does It Help a Business?

Generate Thousands of User-Friendly, Unique, SEO-Optimized Product Descriptions Using Your Data
By applying AI, you can generate thousands of user-friendly, insightful, readable, SEO-optimized and authentic product descriptions. You can seamlessly create variations, configure the tonality to reflect your brand and accomplish much more. Automated product descriptions improve the efficiency of writing product copy. That too, at a fraction of the time and cost of manual product copywriting.  

Consider the best-case scenario where you have a big team of experienced copywriters and fashion experts writing product descriptions. Even in this scenario, the expert may take 3-5 minutes to write one product description. So, writing 100s or 1000s of copies will take hours and days. When intelligent automation is used, you can create rich, full-fledged and detailed product descriptions within seconds and at an affordable cost. Even if you want to control the quality of your content, you can convert your writers into editors and increase their productivity.

Fresh, Updated Content
With AI, you can seamlessly and efficiently update and refresh your product descriptions to reflect current contexts, trends, changing preferences and in-demand keywords within seconds and minutes. This way, you can boost conversions and sales.  

Better Targeting
You can also address the multiple buyer personas with automated product descriptions. How? You can create as many variations as you need of the product descriptions for the same product in a hassle-free fashion. You can tune the content for multiple platforms too. You can enhance targeting and speak to the persona of each type of customer with ease, thus, improving conversions.  

Scalable Content Creation Without Losing Brand Voice and Tonality
Most automated product description solutions allow you to configure and tune the content to match your brand voice and tonality. Automation infuses scalability into product copywriting without additional resources or efforts.  

Improve SEO Rankings
With AI-powered solutions, you can effortlessly SEO-optimize your product description minus the manual drudgery including product titles, descriptions, keywords and tags. So, you can boost your SEO rankings and drive conversions.  

Lower Risk of Errors
With automation, you can improve the accuracy of product descriptions.  

Overall Higher Conversions
Overall, you can improve conversions with automated product descriptions by optimizing and customizing your content for the best customer experiences.  

How Streamoid Helps?
Streamoid, a fashion AI innovator working to power intelligent shopping experiences, offers Catalogix. Catalogix, in addition to automated deep tagging and cataloging, enables online businesses (especially in the fashion industry) to leverage AI to write compelling product descriptions that convert.  

This solution uses your data to generate SEO-optimized, unique and engaging product titles and product descriptions. With the built-in, customizable fashion taxonomy, you can be assured that the auto-generated product content, SEO tags and Alt Tags are fashion specific and contextual.  

This AI-powered solution is highly scalable and accurate. So, regardless of the volume of products you have, you can rely on Autoscribe to auto-generate high-performing product content that drives engagement and conversions. All this, with minimal to no manual effort!  


Most businesses face abandoned carts and high bounce rates because they tend to focus more on the product rather than on convincing customers about the product. Well-crafted, rich and authentic product descriptions can engage and convince customers to buy products, thus, improving conversions. With AI, you can craft such meaningful product descriptions at minimal costs, efforts and manual drudgery.  

Start investing in automated product descriptions now.  


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