Discover AI Assisted Cataloging For Marketplaces

October 15, 2020
Vivek Bharadwaj, Director of Product Development
If ever there was a time to turbocharge digital, it is now - The State of Fashion 2020, Coronavirus update, McKinsey & Company.

The fashion industry's reliance on digital channels has accelerated significantly in a short span because of Covid-19. As cities and towns across the world keep moving in and out of lockdowns, brands and consumers are now going digital.

eCommerce market post covid

Naturally, brands are now keen on ramping up their presence online.

One of the key exercises in listing your brand online on a marketplace or on your own channel is cataloging your product. This describes the features of the product for easy reference for consumers. This information also helps consumers sort and filter through large catalogs on marketplaces.

  • Accurate cataloging ensures your product reaches the right consumers
  • The more features you catalog, the more likely your product is to be discovered

However if you are a brand listing yourself on multiple marketplaces, the cataloging process is not straightforward. In conversations with our existing and prospective clients, we have seen the following issues:

  • The taxonomy and structure is completely different for each marketplace (and their own online channel)
  • Each channel has its own Template/File in which the data has to be entered
  • Every channel does not support all the expected values for an attribute
cataloging for marketplaces

This creates significant problems for the brand :

  • Brands now need to train their team separately for each channel where they need to go live
  • One person would not be able to build expertise across all channels, leading to the necessity of a large cataloging team (irrespective of the catalog's size)
  • Manual tagging on marketplace templates leads to accuracy issues
  • Longer time to market leads to lost revenue
cataloging management

Over the last one year, with the help of one of our largest clients, we have been able to solve this problem by building out an AI assisted Cataloging solution using a simple idea :

Catalog once, Convert to any Taxonomy.

With a universe of more than 1500 styles and 5000 design details, our global fashion taxonomy has allowed us to build translations into different taxonomies for marketplaces, as well as brands' own online channels. Coupled with our fashion optimised attribute extraction AI, we believe that a brand can go to market 80% faster.

how it works

With seven brands already onboard and the current capacity to handle more than 1 million products across 10 marketplaces, we look forward to help brands go digital and grow their business online.

Please do reach out to us on to take this forward!


How marketplaces use the power of AI to migrate their data from old taxonomy to new

Scale with ease using Catalogix, Streamoid's powerful AI solution that has the largest, most well-rounded fashion taxonomy in the world, here's how.

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Transform performance across your value chain

Explore Catalogix

AI powered cataloging automation and feed management platform
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